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MH online shop

New address for IR components and sensors

Variety of IR emitters & detectors, gas sensors for industry and medical technology.

The new MH-Online Shop makes it now even easier to get to know our MH product lines for evaluation, testing and in small series.

Our online offer includes

  • Micro-Hybrid IR illuminators and matching infrared detectors,
  • Micro-Hybrid standard gas sensors for industrial, medical and laboratory applications
  • Acceleration and rotation rate sensors for rail vehicles and railway technology

Register and order now

Use the easy online ordering of our standard components and sensors for tests in your measurement project. Benefit from low online minimum order quantities and our favourable online shipping conditions.

All Micro-Hybrid sensors and components can be customized up to 100%. Our team of experts is available for your development requests.

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Sequence of infrared emitters in different housings

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