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The company Micro Sensor GmbH has been completely transferred to Micro Hybrid Electronic GmbH as of 24.2.2023. Until then, the company functioned as a sensor development unit for acceleration sensors, especially for the railway sector and industry.

The integration of Micro-Sensor GmbH into Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH has been a goal for a long time. The takeover of all parts of the sensor company, which was founded in 1997, by Micro-Hybrid already took place in 2013.
The operational implementation is well prepared. Micro-Hybrid and Micro-Sensor have been working towards this goal for years. In preparation for this, the processes of both companies have been harmonised so that no unexpected difficulties in processes and systems are expected for the final changeover. All measures are to be successfully completed quickly and without complications within the next 3-6 months.

Managing Director Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH
Dr. Knuth Baumgärtel, Managing Director Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH

The merger can be described as a no brainer. "It's a decision that was very easy and obvious to make". Managing Director Dr. Knuth Baumgärtel comments on the situation: "There are synergies for us along the entire value chain, from purchasing to production to marketing and sales."
The development and production of customised sensors for measuring inclination, acceleration and rotation rate is now done completely from one source. And Micro-Hybrid still has a lot of plans with the new business field of "inertial sensors":

With the development of new digital sensors, so-called IMUs (inertial measurement units), further markets and industry applications are to be opened up. In addition to the analogue sensors for use on railway and rail vehicles, the new digital product lines will soon complement the online shop range. The inertial sensors will benefit from the global presence of Micro-Hybrid in terms of marketing and sales.

Particular synergies are to be found in gas and inertial sensors. A team with a focus on product and software development is now responsible for their development. This makes it possible to react better and faster to the increasing global demand for software integration. The shift in transport, which is so important for climate protection, with a clear focus on rail transport is an essential market trigger for this.

With the integration of the employees of the former Micro-Sensor GmbH, the total number of colleagues at Micro-Hybrid will grow to 260 worldwide and an annual turnover of 36 million euros is expected in 2023.

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